Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Support Nepal: Prints by Jaci Berkopec

Purchase prints where 100% of proceeds go to Nepal at or make a direct donation at

I have been granted the opportunity to join Raleigh International as an Expedition Photographer and Volunteer Manager with Raleigh International for a venture to Nepal in July 2016. 

With Nepal being one of the poorest countries in the world, we will be focusing our team energy on Water and Sanitation, Community Resilience, Entrepreneurship Development and Community-based Natural Resource Management.

The financial contribution you offer can help to support much-needed initiatives such as providing access to clean water and sanitation education in areas such as Gorkha and Makwanpur. Your donation will help us build systems to cleanse and treat water for the communities. Your donation means communities will learn how to be entreprenuers, how to maintain safe eating, and bathing conditions, and how to use their own voice in the community to speak about current events. 
Because Raleigh is a non profit, Volunteer Photographers must donate their time. 

Which is why I am asking for your help in getting me there to help Nepal.

As an expedition photographer and volunteer manager in Nepal, I will be documenting the work we do with the young people to create sustainable and long lasting change in rural communities of Nepal.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Portraits of Courtney

I had so much fun shooting portraits of the lovely actress Courtney!
We dealt with the stupid harsh winds and still rocked it out.
She gives off such an effortless, chic, French vibe!