Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Driving Home From Kona

So this drive has happened 4 times out of our trip. Sounds like not so much, but it's 2 and a half hours each way. Usually Im asleep for most of the ride because my boy is driving but for once I stayed awake and it is one of the most incredible drives I have ever experienced. Hanging my head out the window, listening to Creedance Clearwater Revival and occasionally looking over at the face of my lover. I could not ask for anything better. 

As a miniature recap of the day in Kona, we cruised on a high powered 14 person boat with humpback whales, swam with dolphins at the bow of the boat, captured manta rays jumping at the sight of "False Killer Whales". (Pictures and video to come in the next post)

From one extreme to another. The Big Island of Hawaii has 11 out of 13 climates possible in the world.

Ive never felt more open and more free in my life. My bones have been awakened, my soul has been set free: I have finally and truly realized that I am a free soul.

Ever changing, developing and growing.

Within 5 minutes of fog one can see the sun

Nature will forever be my calling. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Oahu: The North Shore

"The poetry of the earth is never dead."
- John Keats

The day started with a peaceful drive through coffee plantations, pineapple farms, and mountains.

Sunset day 1

Sunset day 2

Don't worry we kept it classy

Some of my new favorite trees along the east coast of Oahu on a farm
Matty not naked in the woods

"Nature is so powerful, so strong. Capturing its essence is not easy - your work becomes a dance with light and weather. It takes you to a place within yourself."
- Annie Leibovitz

The Big Island: In Black and White: Day 1

Arriving at the Big Island of Hawaii at 650 AM was far from tiring. I could immediately smell the salt in the air and I still had remnants of sand in my hair from getting whipped around in the ocean near Pipeline. An explorer is not someone who enjoys escaping daily life, but someone who enjoys new culture, new people, and a god damn adventure.

"It is better to have your head in the clouds and know where you are... than to breathe the clearer atmosphere below ." 
- Henry David Thoreau

"The love of wilderness is more than a hunger for what is always beyond reach; it is also an expression of loyalty to the earth, the earth which bore us and sustains us, the only paradise which we will ever know, the only paradise we will ever need." 
- Edward Abbey

The end of a day never seems to be an actual finite thing in Hawaii. Each moment here has brought new feelings of wonderment, new thoughts about the world and most importantly, insights about my own personal self. 

Live in each and every moment.